ECOSOCC of the African Union and CAMYOSFOP partnership in the organization of the AU event on: Civil Society Perspective on Countering Violent Extremism, Terrorism and the Illicit Proliferation of Arms in Africa
Civil Society Forum on the Livingstone Formula on the Involvement of the Civil Society in the Promotion of Peace, Security and the Stability of Africa: Yaounde, Cameroon, La Falaise Hotel, 22th – 24 May 2018

In a three day workshop, the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC) through its Peace and Security Cluster in its effort to ensure Civil Society takes leadership and ownership of its role in the practical implementation of the AU Master Road Map for Silencing the Gun by 2020 with the ground support of CAMYOSFOP organized two important technical consultative meeting; roundtable on CSOs perspective on countering violent extremism, terrorism and the illicit proliferation of arms in Africa and the Livingstone Formula on the involvement of CSOs in the promotion of peace, security and the stability of Africa focused on Silencing the Gun in Africa by 2020. Participation at the events was opened to variety of stakeholders including members of the ECOSOCC General Assembly, the AU Commission and representative of African Civil Society community from across the five regions of the continent as well as representative of the host state of Cameroon.