Community Health workers have been empowered for effective and efficient service delivery to Persons living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHIV) during a capacity strengthening workshop that was organized by the CAMEROON YOUTH AND STUDENTS FORUM FOR PEACE(CAMYOSFOP). The workshop took place from the 8-10 December 2020 in Bafoussam with participants coming from Yaounde, Tiko, Douala, Bertoua and Bafoussam. This activity falls within the implementation of the of the CAMYOSFOP /UN Women project on the fight against the stigmatization of HIV/AIDS amid the covid-19 within the Mbororo, Pygmy, Youth and Women Living with HIV/AIDS in the East, Littoral, West and South West Regions of Cameroon.

Group Picture of the Participants for the Workshop
The forty Community Health Workers present at the workshop developed strategies to optimize service delivery to PLWHIV after experience sharing and discussions on;(National Strategy for the fight against HIV/AIDS and COVI-19 by the Government of Cameroon, Introduction Human rights-based approach and HR, Main Stakeholders in HIV area in Cameroon and the social determinants, Notion/Nexus between GBV, HR and HIV/AIDS,HR based approach to health care in the fight against the stigmatization, feminization and discrimination of HIV/AIDS with in PLWHIV, key populations and vulnerable groups, Leave no one behind in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and COVCID-19,Care based on the child’s needs, Provision of psychosocial support to adolescent living with HIV/AIDS and gender based violence).

At the end of work shop, participants expressed their satisfaction as they have become more conscious of their roles as Community Health Workers and committed to implement the resolutions that came out, thus contributing to ending GBV, discrimination and stigmatization.
Testimonies from some of the participants
The workshop was very practical and interactive. I liked the work methodology and the various themes/discussions. We are hoping to have more of such trainings (Mme. ATIBIA SERAPHINE Epse Douala; Humble Friends, Tiko).
I am very satisfied with the work shop, as I have gained knowledge that will enable me to better sensitize on HIV/AIDS prevention and improve on service delivery to children living with HIV/AIDS.I have also gained basic knowledge on HR based approach to health care in the fight against the stigmatization, feminization and discrimination of HIV/AIDS within PLWHIV. (MAKIA FRIDA; Nurse, CMA Dimako).
My expectations during the work shop have been achieved/met. I am grateful to the organizers as the experience sharing greatly impacted and enriched participants. (PHAREL MANDENG; RECAJ+, Yaounde).