The Cameroon Youth and Students Forum for Peace (CAMYOSFOP) empowers four groups of women living with HIV on Micro Finance and Project Management in a capacity building workshop which equipped project beneficiaries with key notions and tools on finance and project management as well as provision of financial assistance to run their micro projects as a means to sustain their livelihood, on September 12, 2020 in Buea. This activity, falls within the framework of the implementation of the CAMYOSFOP/UN Women project on the fight against the stigmatization of HIV/AIDS amid the covid-19 within the Mbororo, Pygmy, Youth and Women Living with HIV/AIDS in the East, Littoral, West and South West Regions of Cameroon.

Family Picture of the Participants for the Workshop
Twenty one participants drawn from four groups of Women Living with HIV from the Unique Sisters and the Humble Sisters from Tiko, Hope is Rising from Muea and the Solidarity Friends from Buea, were drilled on basic notions of book keeping, the use of financial tools for informed decision making processes, how to undertake a need assessment in the development of a micro project and micro project management. With the notions acquired from the workshop, these women will be able to efficiently and successfully manage the micro projects for which they have received funding, thus impacting on the lives of women and contributing to achieving the objectives set by CAMYOSFOP and UN Women.
Family Picture of the Participants for the Workshop
At the end of the workshop, Participants expressed their gratitude and satisfaction as their expectations were met and promised to put in practice the knowledge acquired in the management of their micro projects as well as in their personal/individual businesses.
Testimonies from some of the participants
“The workshop was very impressing as it has helped me to know how I can manage a micro project. It has also enabled me to understand that certain rules are to be followed when embarking on a micro project, for example, take records on daily/weekly/monthly bases (book keeping). I have learned budgeting which will enable me know the resources I have to do my planning (income /expenses). I very much appreciate the partners for the knowledge I have acquired from them. I am happy I will be contributing to the ideal growth of my group, the Humble Sister.” (Mrs ABON, Humble Sisters Tiko)
“The workshop was very educative. I now know how to manage my own business, income, my life and my family. As a farmer, I did not know how to budget my production and how to sell my goods. Now I know what it takes to do a budget to buy the chemicals that I use to apply on crops. I am very happy with the project as it will help me a lot in the future” (Njie Pepetua, Solidarity Friends Muea)
“I was able to learn about book keeping and budgeting. This will help me improve on the running of my personal business” (Akupah Susan, Unique Sisters Tiko)
“The workshop and its training modules was good. I suggest that in the future, more hours or days should be added to enable us to have practical sessions”(Mme Douala Seraphine, Humble Sisters Tiko)
Mr. Ngalim Eugene, Executive Director of CAMYOSFOP encouraged the various groups to vigorously apply the knowledge they have acquired in the management of their micro project to boost the income of the groups. He emphazed on the fact that the proceeds from the projects should be sorely used to improve on the livelihood of the members.