You are currently viewing Capacity Building of Savings Groups on: Strengthening the Reproductive Health and Sexual Life Skills of Youths and Women. CAMYOSFOP consultancy with Plan International Cameroon, June 2018. 

Capacity Building of Savings Groups on: Strengthening the Reproductive Health and Sexual Life Skills of Youths and Women. CAMYOSFOP consultancy with Plan International Cameroon, June 2018.

Capacity Building of Savings Groups on: Strengthening the Reproductive Health and Sexual Life Skills of Youths and Women. CAMYOSFOP consultancy with Plan International Cameroon, June 2018.

As part of its mission and vision to empower women and end violence against women, CAMYOSFOP in June 2018 carry out a consultancy by Plan Cameroon to. strengthen the capacity of women and youths on vital reproductive Health and SGBV Life Skills in some targeted grassroots of Okola in the communities of Leboth and Lendom II, and Mwaa I, Briquetterie; Bloc 1, 5, and 6 in the centre region. The consultancy empowered more than 150 women and youths in three workshops on specific life skills regarding sexual and reproductive health issues as well as SGBV. These workshops aimed:

  • To empower the trainees to act as community peer educators and change makers on reproductive health and SGBV issues in their respective communities.
  • To encourage the trainees to undertake educative talks in their respective communities after the training upon targeting community events, church meetings, njangi and sporting activities.
  • To engage young boys and girls as ambassadors and change makers on reproductive and SGBV issues, and to ensure sustainable knowledge sharing amongst their peers in the short and long run.
  • To shares best practices with trainees on reproductive health and SGBV issues and to ensure sustainable knowledge sharing amongst their peers.

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