The Mbororo and pygmy tribal groups in the East region of Cameroon face countless challenges, notably in terms of development and accessibility to basic services, including; education, health basic infrastructure, social, and institutional facilities. In these communities, Poverty level amongst women living with HIV/AIDS is exacerbated as it reduces their ability to work and earn an income, while their expenditures increase due to medical care costs. In addition, people living with HIV/AIDS tend to be most vulnerable to COVID-19 pandemic as they already have a weak immune system. In this light, CAMYOSFOP in partnership with UN Women launched a project for the training of key leaders of Associations of Women Living with HIVAIDs on micro project and financial management and also provide funds for the implementation of income generating activities that will boast their livelihood.

The training took place in Bertoua within the Mbororo (Mandjo) and Pygmy (Mayos) Communities on September 16th and 18th 2020. Available during the separate training workshops were sixteen (16) members of the Mbororo community and fourteen (14) members of the Pygmy community. The training modules during the workshop focused on: a presentation on basic notions of bookkeeping; the use of financial tools for informed decision making processes; a presentation on how to undertake need assessments in the development of a microproject, and microproject management.

Prior to the workshop, microprojects were selected by these communities for funding by CAMYOSFOP. The Mbororos agreed on launching a catering business, and the pygmies decided on a provision store.
The workshop explained, in simple terms, the importance and advantages of bookkeeping and the concepts of microprojects and microproject management.

Participants expressed their views about the training in the following words:
“I have learned so many aspects at the workshop like to brainstorm on the project analysis and how to evaluate at all stages. My expectations were met as the modules explained them very well. In general, the workshop was very interesting and was based on the needs of Mbororo communities.” Jamila Manou, Mbororo Community
“This workshop taught me what a microproject is and how to develop one. I was really happy.” Zargaou Ousmanous, Mbororo Community
“I was satisfied with this workshop. I learned valuable information on accounting.” Kouama Anastasie, Pygmy community
“This workshop really helped me as I learned concepts that I didn’t know. Thank you. The workshop was good.” Gbassolo Sidonie, Pygmy Community
At the end of the training, participants were urged to apply the knowledge acquired during the training on the funded selected funded micro project from their community. The proceeds from the funded projects will be used to sustain the livelihood of women in the targeted communities.