Capacity Building Workshop with Legal Affairs Officers of key Government Ministries from 11 to 12 May, 2018 on the International Transfer System of Arms and Ammunitions and the Control and Management of Arms, still in Mbalmayo Yaounde.

Stakeholders Workshop on the Presentation of a Study Report on Assessing Youth Driven Social Accountability Indicators within the 2030 Agenda Landscape, Toungou Hotel Yaounde 05 March 2018 There was also…

Continue ReadingCapacity Building Workshop with Legal Affairs Officers of key Government Ministries from 11 to 12 May, 2018 on the International Transfer System of Arms and Ammunitions and the Control and Management of Arms, still in Mbalmayo Yaounde.

Capacity Building Workshop with Journalists on the ATT Process, in Mbalmayo from April 25 to 26, 2018.

Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) Project on Fast-Tracking the Universalization and the Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) In Cameroon Then followed another Capacity Building Workshop with Journalists on the…

Continue ReadingCapacity Building Workshop with Journalists on the ATT Process, in Mbalmayo from April 25 to 26, 2018.

Stakeholders Workshop on the Presentation of a Study Report on Assessing Youth Driven Social Accountability Indicators within the 2030 Agenda Landscape, Toungou Hotel Yaounde 05 March 2018

Stakeholders Workshop on the Presentation of a Study Report on Assessing Youth Driven Social Accountability Indicators within the 2030 Agenda Landscape, Toungou Hotel Yaounde 05 March 2018 With the objective…

Continue ReadingStakeholders Workshop on the Presentation of a Study Report on Assessing Youth Driven Social Accountability Indicators within the 2030 Agenda Landscape, Toungou Hotel Yaounde 05 March 2018