CAMYOSFOP has been involved in almost all processes of youth development both nationally and internationally. She has equally been the leading civil society organization on arms control, fight against violence on Women and Girls, Financing for Development and Development Effectiveness:
Some key processes of youth development with the contribution of CAMYOSFOP includes:
- Advocacy fro the creation of the Ministry of Youth Affairs on December 08 2004 and participation in drafting and adopting the following policy documents and institutions:
- The National Youth Policy, the National Youth Action Plan, and the status and the electoral code of the National Youth Council of Cameroon;
- The African Youth Charter and the African Union ECOSSOC process; and
- The UNECA Africa Development Forum V on youth leadership in Africa held in December 2006; The EU-AU Youth Cooperation Strategy; Continental and Global Youth Summits on the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals; the Commonwealth Youth Summits and the UN World Program of Action for Youths.
Among the many achievements of CAMYOSFOP below are the most prominent:
2019 was very remarkable in the life of CAMYOSFOP as she was created in 1999 and as such 2019 marks 20 years of CAMYOSFOP existence.
- In 2020, CAMYOSFOP trained the 7 State Parties to the Kinshasa Convention on their operational and technical capacities of implementing the Kinshasa Convention through the MOSAIC Modules on the establishment and management of the National Commissions on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), on the elaboration of National Action Plans, on reporting on the UN Programme of Action on SALW, and the SALW nature of Women and Youth. The 7 countries involved are: Angola, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe.
- On 15 March 2019 CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the government of Cameroon through the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF) organized a side event during the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York on: Government – CSO joint efforts on promoting the HeForShe Gender Equality Campaign in Cameroon.
- From August to November 2019, CAMYOSFOP trained and mobilize the Mbororo and Pygmy communities of the East Region on the fight against HIV/AIDs and violence against women and girls.
- In 2018 CAMYOSFOP transformed her Human Rights clubs in secondary schools to Human Rights, Peace and SDGs Clubs in order to align the activities of the club to the Global Network for Sustainable Development (GNSD) initiative on promoting the SDGs within the school milieu.
- In June, CAMYOSFOP carried out a consultancy for Plan International Cameroon on Strengthening the Reproductive Health and Sexual Life Skills of Youths and Women in the targeted grassroots communities of Leboth and Lendom II, and Mwaa I, Briquetterie in the Centre Region.
- In May 2018 the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC) in partnership with CAMYOSFOP organised two AU events in Cameroon on; Civil Society Perspective on Countering Violent Extremism, Terrorism and the Illicit Proliferation of Arms in Africa and equally the Civil Society Forum on the Livingstone Formula on the Involvement of the Civil Society in the Promotion of Peace, Security and the Stability of Africa with focus on Silencing the Gun in Africa by 2020.
- In March, CAMYOSFOP organized a Side Event during the CSW62 in New York to showcase Cameroons advancement and aspirations in tackling conflicts and reducing the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons within its territory with the involvement of women in peace processes on the basis of Resolution 1325, the PoA and the ATT.
- CAMYOSFOP was contracted by the Voluntary Trust Fund to implement a project on “Fast-tracking the Universalization and the Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in Cameroon. CAMYOSFOP organised capacity building workshops on the domestication of the ATT with key government ministries, legal practitioners, journalist and vigilante committee member in the far North
- In February CAMYOSFOP published a policy document on Assessing Youth Driven Social Accountability Indicators within the 2030 Agenda Landscape.
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with Control Arms launched flagship project funded by the Swiss Government aimed at fast tracking the ratification and domestication of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in Cameroon. Through this project CAMYOSFOP organized a series of consultations with Members of Parliament, Key government ministries involved in the ratification of the ATT, the civil society and journalist on the need for fast tracking the ratification process.
- CAMYOSFOP published a Manual on the Ratification and Domestication of the Arms Trade Treaty in Cameroon to facilitate the ratification process of the ATT by Cameroon. In June this milestone achievement became a reality with the ratification of the ATT by Cameroon.
- As a Co – Chair of the African Youth Sector of the Civil Society Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) CAMYOSFOP organised a workshop to mobilize youth on Development Effectiveness in Cameroon.
- In December, CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the CPDE Youth Sectors organised an International Youth Conference during the 2nd High Level Meeting (HLM 2) on Development Effectiveness in Kenya.
- In months of May – July, CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the Regional Center for Small Arms and Light weapons in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa (RECSA) organized a series of advocacy workshops with Members of Parliament, key ministerial departments and the civil society on the need for the creation of a national institution for the management and control of small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in Cameroon.
- CAMYOSFOP was contracted by the Civil Society Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) to write research papers published by the CPDE and ITUC on: The contribution of youth driven CSOs in Advancing the Instanbul Principles and Accountability and Appraising the holistic impact of Public-Private Blended Financing of Energy Projects on Women and Youths in Cameroon.
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education, Control Arms, the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF) and other partners organized a National Youth Caravan to sensitize young people against Boko Haram and the proliferation of arms. The caravan that brought together more than 3000 young people took place under the theme “Youths say stop to Boko Haram and the proliferation of Arms to save lives.”
- In March, CAMYOSFOP in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) organized a workshop on legal Gaps Assessment on Gender Based Violence (GBV) : Charting a new course to fight Gender Based Violence in Cameroon
- In November, Mr Peter ESSOKA, Board Member of CAMYOSFOP was appointed by a Presidential Decree as the President of the National Communication Council of Cameroon.
- From October to November, CAMYOSFOP organized a series of trainings on HIV/GBV to strengthen the capacities of the National Network on the Boys-to-Boys Strategy on Violence against Women and Girls (NAYONEB), Network of Communicators on Gender Based Violence (NETCOM Gender), the National AIDS Control Committee, Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF) and the National Institute of Statistics.
- In March, the Executive Director of CAMYOSFOP, Mr NGALIM Eugine Nyuydine was elected as the Chairperson of the Peace and Security Cluster of the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)
- In February CAMYOSFOP organized a national youth sensitization workshop on the illicit proliferation and misuse of small arms and Light Weapons in Cameroon as a contribution to fighting the current Boko Haram activities that has aggravated the security situation of the Northern regions of Cameroon.
- CAMYOSFOP was elected as Cameroon’s Representative to the Africa Union, Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC). ECOSOCC is the people centre organ of the AU with members drawn from the civil society. The Executive Director, Ngalim Eugine Nyuydine represents CAMYOSFOP in this organ.
- CAMYOSFOP was funded by UN Women to implement a Project on Strengthening National Coping Mechanisms against HIV and AIDS amongst Infected/Affected Women and Girls of GBV across Prevalence Regions in Cameroon. This project permitted CAMYOSFOP to create a National Youth Network on the Boys-to-Boys Strategy on Violence Against Women and Girls (NAYONEB). This network is the first of its kind in West and Central Africa. The project also permitted CAMYOSFOP to train and fund the micro projects of 5 associations of women Living with HIV in Yaounde, Douala and Tiko.
- In May, CAMYOSFOP launched its third policy paper on the Education Sector Reforms for Youth Employment in Cameroon.
- In March, CAMYOSFOP was selected by Plan Cameroon to do a baseline on their strategic action plan, known as the Program Unit Long Term Plan (PULTP) running from 2012 to 2017. The four programs evaluated in this program are: the children’s right to survival program; learning for life program; safe childhood program; and improving access to income to ensure economically secured households program.
- CAMYOSFOP in July was granted the UN Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOC) Special Consultative Status.
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the Regional Centre on Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Great Lake and Horn of Africa (RECSA) organized an information session on the ratification of the Kinshasa Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons in Cameroon. This was done in partnership with.
- CAMYOSFOP alongside four other organizations CSOs were selected by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Cameroon to organize sub-national consultations and eventually a national consultation on the progress of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Post 2015 Development Agenda in Cameroon.
- Prior to the 2013 National Youth Day celebrated on February 11, CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms and with the support of UN Women and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education organized a national youth caravan on violence against the girl child in the localities of Babessi in the North West Region and Lagdo in the North Region of Cameroon.
- In September, the Executive Director of CAMYOSFOP, Mr. NGALIM Eugine Nyuydine was selected as a member of the UN Women Civil Society Advisory Group.
- CAMYOSFOP launched its second policy paper entitled ‘Towards Policy reforms in Cameroon: Agriculture and Vocational Training as Gateway to Youth Employment’
- CAMYOSFOP in collaboration with the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF) organized the Mount Febe Climb on violence against women and girls to replicate the Mount Kilimanjaro Climb in Tanzania organized by the Africa UNiTE Campaign to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
- CAMYOSFOP expanded its program on Human Rights Education in 10 Secondary in Yaoundé to 20 Schools in Yaoundé. This project is funded by the US Embassy in Cameroon and with technical and material support from the National Commission of Human Rights and Freedoms (NCHRF)
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the US Embassy projected its documentary on her human rights education program with secondary schools entitled ‘Personalities Back Human Rights Education’.
- CAMYOSFOP organized with the support of the Global Green Grants, the Cameroon Climate Change Adaptation Program and the Global Water Partnership, Cameroon organized a workshop on ‘Engaging Youth and Climate Change in Cameroon.’ The objective of this workshop was to create the Cameroon Youth Network on Climate Change.
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organized a national youth workshop in Limbe on ‘Agriculture and Vocational Training as Gateway to Youth Employment’.
- Prior to the 2011 National Youth Day, CAMYOSFOP in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) organized an Open Space Technology on ‘Youth and Cameroon’s Emergence’ in Bamenda. The OST brought together over 100 youths from the 10 Regions of Cameroon to brainstorm on their contribution to Cameroon’s emergence by 2035.
- CAMYOSFOP partnered with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) to organize a national workshop on: ‘Cameroonian youth and the phenomenon of migration and unemployment in the 21st Century.’
- CAMYOSFOP trained the Cameroon National Youth Council (CNYC) and some members of youth CSOs on the functioning of the Youth Councils.
- In partnership with Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN) and Human Rights Focus (HRF), CAMYOSFOP organized a national consultation on the progress of the MDGs in Cameroon.
- CAMYOSFOP launched her very first policy paper entitled ‘Towards Policy Reforms in Cameroon: Unemployment and Migration’. This publication was funded by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).
- CAMYOSFOP executed a project on Human Rights Education with 10 secondary schools in Yaoundé. The project was funded by the US Embassy in Yaoundé.
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organized a national youth workshop on: Cameroonian youth and the phenomenon of unemployment and migration.
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), organized a national workshop with youths from the 10 Regions of Cameroon on ‘Cameroonian Youth and Vision 2015.’
- Six Cameroonian youth participants of the Cameroon/US Immersion in Cameroon travelled to Washington DC for the return trip of this project.
- CAMYOSFOP organized a Continental conference in Yaoundé on ‘African Youth, Leadership, Peace and Development in the 21st’ This conference led to the creation of the African Youth Forum for Peace (AYFP).
- In partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), CAMYOSFOP organized a national workshop with university students on their participation in the July 22, 2007 Legislative and Municipal elections in Cameroon.
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the Global Youth Partnership for Africa (GYPA) based in Washington DC organized the first ever US/Cameroon Youth Immersion that brought 13 American youths to Cameroon. The American youth with their Cameroonian counterparts shared experiences on their involvement in the promotion of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); interacted with academicians, political and traditional leaders. They also visited five of the ten provinces of Cameroon.
- In June 13, CAMYOSFOP organized a national consultation prior to the AU – EU summit on ‘The African Union – European Union Cooperation Strategy.’
- CAMYOSFOP organized a high level peace panel with the projection of a CAMYOSFOP documentary ‘The crusade for Peace.’ The panel was chaired by the US Ambassador to Cameroon, H.E. Neils Marquardt and the Director of the UN Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Madam Marie-Evelyn Petrus Barry.
- CAMYOSFOP was sponsored by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to train teachers and students of six secondary schools in Yaoundé and to set human rights clubs in these schools.
- In August 2005, CAMYOSFOP won the Second Pan African Youth Leadership Summit King Mohammed VI Award on Youth led MDGs related projects. Its winning project was on the campaign against the illicit proliferation and misuse of war toys, firecrackers, small arms and violent films within the youth milieu in Cameroon.
2003 – 2004:
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the Ecumenical Service for Peace (SeP), Fondation Paul Ango Ela (FPAE), and Justice and Peace Commission with the support of the United Nations Centre on Peace and Disarmament (UNREC) organized a national workshop on ‘The Civil Society engages in the Fight against the Illicit Proliferation of Small Arms.’
- CAMYOSFOP alongside other CSOs in Cameroon created the Cameroon Action Network on Small Arms (CANSA) in partnership with the Cameroon Youth Confederation; CAMYOSFOP organized a national workshop on the ‘Illicit Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons, an Impediment to Development.’
- CAMYOSFOP has been greatly been involved in the organizing of the Global Week of Action on Gun Violence in Cameroon since 2004. This campaign is spearheaded by the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA). Website:
CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the British Council organized a national workshop on ‘Youth and the Political Evolution of Cameroon.’
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the US Embassy in Cameroon organized a national workshop on ‘Youth as a Factor of Peace.’
- CAMYOSFOP in partnership with the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Yaoundé organized an information session on ‘The UN and the Maintenance of Peace’
- The first edition of ‘The Voice of Peace’ newsletter was published in July 16, 2001.
- The creation of Peace Clubs in the University of Yaoundé I and in six (6) Secondary Schools in Yaoundé. These schools included Lycée Bilingue d’Application, Mervick Bilingual Grammar School, English High School, Lycée Bilingue de Yaounde, Lycée Bilingue d’Etoug-Ebe and Christian Comprehensive Secondary School